Stéphanie Chambaron

General information


MIAM - Eating Behaviour: pleasure, health and sustainability


Senior Researcher

Psychology, cognition, implicit, food choices, obesity, sustainability, pulses

  • 2017: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université de Bourgogne
  • 2002-2005: PhD in Cognitive Psychology, Université de Bourgogne, Summa Cum Laude, with Honors
  • 2001-2002: Titre de Psychologue Clinicienne, Stage de Professionnalisation au Centre de thérapie familiale Réseau (Dijon) - N° ADELI : 21 93 076, RPPS: 10009210351


Research theme
My research aims to understand and explain the cognitive mechanisms (implicit and explicit) involved in food choice in individuals of different ages and weight statuses in order to promote healthier and more sustainable choices. 
Scientific approach
My research is structured around two main research axes: "Cognition-Obesity" and "Cognition-Sustainable Food".

2024 : ANR 23-PLEG-0004 -protéines de légumineuses- vague 2- « Pulse Fiction » - Co responsable du Work Package 1 « WP1: Identification of the process-related barriers limiting the consumption of legumes: in French non vegetarian consumers.» et responsable de la Task 1.1-
2023 : ANR PRC « aiMOTIONS » (coordinateur D. Ginhac, ImVia, Ub) - Responsable du Work Package 4 “ Food-related emotions analysis in Consumer Science “-
2023 : Projet BPI France « AlinoVeg » : Innover en alimentation d’Origine Végétale coordonné par ROQUETTE, co-responsable du Lot 5 : acceptabilité des consommateurs, expérience utilisateur, validation économique »
2017-2021: ANR JCJC Grant (ANR-17-CE21-0001) "IMPLICEAT": Importance of IMPLICit factors in EATing behaviour: How do food-choice decision mechanisms differ in normal versus overweight/obese adults?

Supervision and Aknowledgements

Marine Mas's doctoral work on "cognition and obesity" (PhD supervisor: S. Chambaron, co-supervisor: MC. Brindisi) was awarded the Jean Trémolière Thesis Prize and the Unesco Chair Thesis Prize (2021).

Juliana Melendrez-Ruiz's doctoral work on "pulses" (PhD supervisor: G. Arvisenet, co-supervisor: S. Chambaron) was awarded the Silver Medal Dufrenoy from the French Academy of Agriculture (2022).

Key words
Psychology, cognition, implicit, food choices, obesity, sustainability, pulses

Important publications

Arexis, M., Feron, G., Brindisi, M. C., Billot, P. É., & Chambaron, S. (2023). A scoping review of emotion regulation and inhibition in emotional eating and binge-eating disorder: what about a continuum?. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1), 197.,

Arrazat, L., Chambaron, S., Arvisenet, G., Goisbault, I., Charrier, J. C., Nicklaus, S., & Marty, L. (2023). Traffic-light front-of-pack environmental labelling across food categories triggers more environmentally friendly food choices: a randomised controlled trial in virtual reality supermarket. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20(1), 1-13.

Melendrez-Ruiz, J., Dujourdy, L., Goisbault, I., Charrier, J. C., Pagnat, K., Nicklaus, S., ... & Chambaron, S. (2022). “You look at it, but will you choose it”: Is there a link between the foods consumers look at and what they ultimately choose in a virtual supermarket?. Food Quality and Preference, 98, 104510.

Zsoldos, I., Sinding, C., Godet, A., & Chambaron, S. (2021). Do Food Odors Differently Influence Cerebral Activity Depending on Weight Status? An Electroencephalography Study of Implicit Olfactory Priming Effects on the Processing of Food Pictures. Neuroscience, 460, 130-144.,

Mas M., Brindisi M.C, Chabanet C., Chambaron S. (2020) Implicit food odour priming effects on reactivity and inhibitory control towards foods. PLOS ONE 15(6): e0228830.

Monnery-Patris, S., & Chambaron, S. (2020). Added-value of indirect methods to assess the relationship between implicit memory and food choices in adult consumers as well as in children. Current Opinion in Food Science, 33, 14-20. ,

Mas, M., Brindisi, M.-C., Chabanet, C., Nicklaus, S., Chambaron, S. (2019). Weight Status and Attentional Biases Toward Foods: Impact of Implicit Olfactory Priming. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 10:1789. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01789 ,

Sulmont-Rossé, C., Gaillet, M., Raclot, C., Duclos, M., Servelle, M., Chambaron, S. (2018). Impact of Olfactory Priming on Food Intake in an Alzheimer's Disease Unit. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 66(4), 1497-1506. ,

Chambaron, S., Chisin, Q., Chabanet, C., Issanchou, S., & Brand, G. (2015). Impact of olfactory and auditory priming on the attraction to foods with high energy density. Appetite, 95, 74–80. ,

Gaillet, M., Sulmont-Rossé, C., Issanchou, S., Chabanet, C., & Chambaron, S. (2014). Impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on subsequent food choices. Appetite, 76, 17–22. ,

MIAM - Eating Behaviour: pleasure, health and sustainability


ALINOVEG : “Innovating in Plant-Based Food”

AlinOVeg's objective is to develop innovative solutions and products (pea and fava bean varieties, protein ingredients, plant-based alternatives to cheese and plant-based desserts) and to create a strong and sustainable French sector.
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aiMotions is Artificial Intelligence for food-related eMotions analysis

Automatically capture and analyze emotions linked to food stimuli using Vision / Artificial Intelligence
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IMPLICEAT : Importance of IMPLICit factors in EATing behaviour: How do food-choice decision mechanisms differ in normal versus overweight/obese adults?

IMPLICEAT aims to investigate the importance of implicit factors in eating behavior, and to measure how food decision-making mechanisms differ between normo-weighted, overweight and obese adults.
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PULSE FICTION Development of slightly processed PULSE-based Foods and recIpes to meet the needs of Consumers and agricultural secTor and Improve fOod sustaiNability

PULSE FICTION aims to develop minimally processed pulse products that satisfy consumer and farmer expectations, and have a low environmental impact.
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