Chemosens Platform

At the heart of the CSGA, ChemoSens is a multidisciplinary platform which develops and provides high-level technical expertise and tools for the chemical analysis of volatile compounds and lipids, chemometrics, sensometrics, olfactometry, gustometry, neuroimaging, sensory analysis and consumer behavior.


The ChemoSens platform is a Collective Scientific Infrastructure (ISC) of INRAE (National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and Environment), labeled Infrastructure in Biology, Health and Agronomy at the national level (GIS IBISA) and by the Burgundy Franche-Comté region. Its operation is certified ISO 9001.

Its engineers and technicians develop the methods and tools necessary for the research questions of the Unit's various teams, such as the role of dietary lipids in eyesight, chemical and physiological mechanisms of foods sensory perception and consumers eating behavior. ChemoSens services are open to numerous external (academic and private) partners.

The platform's expertise is organized into four components :

  • mass spectrometry, olfactometry and gustometry,
  • sensory analysis and consumer behavior,
  • physiology,
  • software engineering, statistics and data science.

For more information on the expertise and service offering, go to the platform website:

Key words

Methodological developments, technical expertise, analytical chemistry, electroencephalography, olfactometry, gustometry, sensory analysis, chemometrics, sensometrics, consumer eating behavior


Chemosens plateform

Team leader

Carole TournierResearch engineer INRAE

Team members


Non permanents:

  • Marine CREPIN (CDD)
  • Alix ROLLINAT (Doctorante)


For more information on our projects, please go to our website.

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Representative publications

For more information on our publications, please go to our website: