Project summary

ALINOVEG :“Innovating in Plant-Based Food”

The main aim of the project is to develop innovative plant-based products and solutions, with a view to creating a sustainable French industry.

AlinOVeg's objective is to develop innovative solutions and products (pea and fava bean varieties, protein ingredients, plant-based alternatives to cheese and plant-based desserts) and to create a strong and sustainable French sector.

More informations

Begining and end of the project :

Februar 2023- Décember 2027

Coordinator of the project:

Sergio Neves 
Frederic Bouvier 

Main person of CSGA on this project: 

Stéphanie Chambaron, Directeur de Recherche

Juliana Melendrez-Ruiz, Ingénieure de Recherche

Christian Salles, Directeur de Recherche


plant-based products, innovations, consumers, farmers, sustainability

Web site

Partners and financial