Camille Rioux

Camille Rioux

General information


MIAM - Eating Behaviour: pleasure, health and sustainability


 Researcher INRAE

Ph.D. in Psychology, 17/11/2017 – Research Center of the Institute Paul Bocuse, Lyon, France / Aix-Marseille University, France.

M.A. in Anthropology, 2013 – National Museum of natural History, Paris, France.

M.A. in Life Science and Food Engineering, 2013 – AgroParisTech (Engineering school), Paris, France.

B.A. in Life Science and Food Engineering, 2012 – AgroParisTech (Engineering school), Paris, France.


How do we learn what to eat and what shapes our food behaviors?

My research investigates these broad questions. Notably, I study how infants and young children learn what is edible and what is not, both individually and with the help of others (for instance their caregivers). I use methods from developmental psychology to neuroscience to examine these questions across the entire lifespan.

Key Words

Eating behaviors, Learning, Childhood, Cognitive Development, Cognitive science

Important publications

Coricelli. C., Rumiati, R. I., & Rioux, C. (2022). Implicit and explicit safety evaluation of foods: The importance of food processing. Appetite, 175, 106062.

Rioux, C., & Wertz, A. E. (2021). Plant food avoidance in Infancy. Developmental Psychology, 57(5), 609–624.

Rioux, C. (2019). Food neophobia in childhood. In H. L. Meiselman (Ed), Handbook of eating and drinking: Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 1-20). Cham: Springer.

Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., & Picard, D. (2018). Visual exposure and categorization performance positively influence 3- to 6-year-old children’s willingness to taste unfamiliar vegetables. Appetite, 120, 32-42.

Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., & Picard, D. (2017). The Child Food Rejection Scale: Development and validation of a new scale to assess food neophobia and pickiness among 2- to 7-year-old French children. European Review of Applied Psychology, 67(2), 67–77.

Rioux, C., Picard, D., & Lafraire, J. (2016). Food rejection and the development of food categorization in young children. Cognitive Development, 40, 163-177.

MIAM - Eating Behaviour: pleasure, health and sustainability


MEMORIES: Mental health status as a determinant of nutrition-related chronic diseases

MEMORIES aims to study the role of nutrition-related chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes as risk factors for mental health disorders in adults in France.
Discover the project