Zaira Hernández Casiano

Zaira Hernández-Casiano

General information

Engineer & Technician

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception

MIAM – Comportement Alimentaire : plaisir, santé & durabilité


Engineer INRAE

  • Biochemical Engineer (2018), Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico)
  • Master in Chemistry, specialisation in Formulated Product Engineering (2023), Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France)


Research theme

I have a background in the physicochemical characterisation of proteins, emulsions, lactic acid bacteria, surfactants, powders and extracts, as well as in food innovation and the formulation of chemical and food products. I also acquired project management skills through three years of professional experience in the chemical industry in Mexico and more recently, I was involved in a study of flavour interactions in plant-based beverages in France.

I am currently working at the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA) on the project PULSE FICTION, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), which aims to develop slightly processed pulse-based foods and recipes to meet the needs of consumers and the agricultural sector and improve food sustainability.

My role involves both project management and scientific tasks, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary consortium of academic, associative and industrial stakeholders. From 2025 to 2028, I will lead the development of intermediate food products (IFPs) made from pulses, physicochemical analysis (composition, emulsifying, foaming and rheological properties, granulometry, texture), sensory analysis (classic and dynamic TCATA) and flavour release analysis (PTR-MS) on the developed food products.

Key words

Physical chemistry, formulation, food sciences, sensory analysis, pulses, flavours, project management

Important publications

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception