Hélène Labouré

Hélène Labouré

General information


FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception



Associate Professor - L'Institut Agro Dijon - Engineering School in Agricultural and Food Sciences

  • Ph.D, Food Sciences, University of Burgundy


Research theme

Assistant professor since 2022, I mainly teach sensory science to engineering student in food sciences as well as to students in the P2FOOD (physiological and psychological FOOD choice determinants) international Master’s program. I am responsible for a sensory evaluation module in the 1st year of the engineering cycle and co-leader of the 3rd year Sens&Co (Sensory Evaluation and Company) specialization.
My research focuses on the relationship between food, oral physiology and perception, and more specifically on the perception of aromas and texture. For example, I worked on:

  • The relationship between aroma release and perception using PTR-MS and DTS and/or T-CATA simultaneously
  • Interindividual variability in aroma release with and without mastication
  • Mouth comfort in elderly
  • Fat perception as a function of tongue topography…
Key words

Perception, texture, aroma, oral physiology, food oral processing, oral comfort

Important publications

  • Gierczynski, I., Guichard, E., & Labouré, H. (2011). Aroma perception in dairy products: the role of texture, aroma release and consumers physiology: a review". Flavour and Fragrance journal, 26(3), 141. https://hal.science/hal-01243324
  • Labouré, H., Repoux, M., Courcoux, P., Feron, G., & Guichard, E. (2014). Inter-individual retronasal aroma release variability during cheese consumption: Role of food oral processing. Food Research International, 64, 692-700. https://hal.science/hal-01215777
  • Schoumacker, R., Martin, C., Thomas-Danguin, T., Guichard, E., Le Quéré, J.L., Labouré, H. (2017). "Fat perception in cottage cheese: The contribution of aroma and tasting temperature." Food Quality and Preference 56: 241-246. https://u-bourgogne.hal.science/hal-01428663
  • Vandenberghe-Descamps, M., Sulmont-Rossé, C., Septier, C., Féron, G., Labouré, H. (2017). "Using food comfortability to compare food's sensory characteristics expectations of elderly people with or without oral health problems." Journal of Texture Studies 48(4): 280-287. https://institut-agro-dijon/hal-02142337
  • Lorieau L., Floury J., Septier C., Laguerre A., Le Roux L., Hazart E., Ligneul A., Dupont D., Vigneau E., Hanafi M., Feron G., Labouré H. (2021). Relationship among oral health status, bolus formation and food comfortability during consumption of model cheeses in elderly. Food and Function, 12(16):7379-7389. doi: https://doi.org/10.1039/d1fo00767j . https://institut-agro-dijon/hal-03277932

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception