Christian Salles

Christian Salles

General information


FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception


Research director INRAE

  • 1989 - PhD in Food Science – University of Montpellier II (France)
  • 2001 - HDR (Accreditation to supervise research) – University of Burgundy – Dijon (France)


Research theme

Christian Salles (ORCID 0000-0002-0407-9778) has expertise on in-mouth flavour compound release and perception but rather focused on non-volatile compounds involved in taste perception. His main research field carries out on in-mouth mechanisms leading to flavour release and perception with in vivo and in vitro approaches. He coordinated the development of chewing simulators dedicated to in vitro approaches of temporal flavour release and food breakdown studies in controlled eating conditions.

He has coordinated several projects related to the reduction of salt content in food problematic: PRA “sel” (2005-2009), several industrial partnerships (2005-2012), and in particular a European project (FP7 KBBE2011-5-289397 (TeRiFiQ) – from 2012 to 2016) on the reduction of salt, fat and sugar contents in food, called “Combining technologies to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium, fat and sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimising their nutritional quality” (laureate of the “Stars of Europe” in 2016). These last years, he followed his research on the temporal release of sodium according to food matrix composition and oral condition but since 2020, he oriented and focused his research on the mechanisms of formation of off-flavours in pulse extracts through private contracts, participation to ANR projects (PIVERT (2023-2026); Letsproseed (2023-2027); coordination of PULSE FICTION (Prot-Leg2: 2024-2028)) or PIA4 (Alinoveg).

He is the author of around 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 120 communications in scientific congresses (oral and poster) and the author of 55 book chapters. He is the editor of 3 books. He has supervised 13 PhD students and 8 postdocs.

Key words

Perception, aroma, taste, in-mouth mechanisms, chewing simulator

Important publications

  • Tarrega A, Yven C, Semon E, Mielle P, Salles C (2019). Effect of oral physiology parameters and food composition on in-mouth aroma compound release: an in vitro approach, Foods, 8, 106.

  • Delompré T, Lenoir L, Martin C, Briand L, Salles C (2020). Characterizing the dynamic taste and retro-nasal aroma properties of oral nutritional supplements using temporal dominance of sensation and temporal check-all-that-apply. Foods, 9, 1456.

  • Guichard E, Thomas-Danguin T, Perret B, Guillemin H, Penicaud C, Salles C, Buchin S (2021). Relationships between cheese composition, rheological and sensory properties highlighted using the BaGaTel database. International Dairy Journal, 118, 105039.

  • Kristiawan M, Della Valle G, Reguerre Al, Micard M, Salles C (2021). Artificial oral processing of extruded pea flour snacks. Food Engineering Reviews. 13, 247-261.

  • Karolkowski A., Guichard E., Briand L., Salles C. (2021). Volatile compounds in pulses: a review. Foods. 10, 3140.
    Walker AEC, Guy F, Salles C, Thiery G, Lazzari V (2022). Preliminary assessment of comminution capabilities related to molar intercuspation in catarrhines using a chewing simulator. bulletin et mémoires de la société anthropologie de Paris. 34 (2), 10052.

  • Delompré T, Belloir C, Martin C, Salles C, Briand L (2022). Detection of bitterness in vitamins is mediated by activation of bitter taste receptor. Nutrients. 14, 4141.

  • Karolkowski A, Gourrat K, Bouzidi E, Albouy JF, Levavasseur L, Briand L, Guichard E, Salles C (2023). Origins of Volatile Compounds and Identification of Odour-active Compounds in Air-classified Fractions of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L. minor). Food Research International. 163, 112260.

  • Karolkowski A, Belloir C, Lucchi G, Martin C, Bouzidi E, Levavasseur L, Salles C, Briand L (2023). Activation of bitter taste receptors by saponins and alkaloids identified in faba beans (Vicia faba L. minor). Food Chemistry. 426, 136548.

  • Karolkowski A, Belloir C, Briand L, Salles C (2023). Non-Volatile Compounds Involved in Bitterness and Astringency of Pulses: A Review. Molecules. 28, 3298.

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception