Gaëlle Arvisenet

Gaëlle Arvisenet

General information


Culture Expertise Perception


Professor, Institut Agro Dijon

PhD in food science : The influence of physical chemical interactions between starch and flavor compounds on flavor release and rheological properties in complex aqueous matrices

Habilitation to supervise research : From food to consumer: levers to encourage consumption of healthy, sustainable foods


Research theme

Research activities :
I'm interested in how consumers perceive the sensory properties of food, and the representations they have of certain foods, food families or types of diet. I use methods derived from sensory evaluation and experimental psychology.

Recent projects :

  • Consumers’ representations about processed pulses (ANR project, ProtLeg France 2030: Pulse Fiction)
  • Measuring emotional reactions associated with the consumption of animal and plant protein foods (ANR project aiMotions)
  • French consumers' perceptions of sustainable food (Oriane Chene’s PhD thesis)
  • The representations of French, non-vegetarian consumers toward pulses (Project Im’Pulses, funed by Institut Carnot Qualiment, PhD thesis of Juliana Melendrez Ruiz)
  • The perception of mixed milk and plant-based products by consumers and non-consumers of plant-based beverages.
  • Cultural differences in how people in different regions of Madagascar perceive the use of Moringa oleifera as a food (PhD thesis of Vonimihaingo Ramaroson Rakotosamimanana)

Teaching activities :
I am in charge of the Master P2FOOD: Physiological and Psychological FOOd choice Determinants (Institut Agro Dijon).
I teach sensory evaluation to students training to become agri-food engineers and to students in the P2FOOD Master's program.

Key words
Sensory evaluation, Consumer science, Perception, Mental representations, sustainable diets

Important publications

Neurofeed - Neurobiology of Feeding behaviours