Frédérique Datiche

Laetitia Merle

General information


Neurofeed - Neurobiology of Feeding behaviours


Associate Professor, University of Burgundy Europe


PhD Neurosciences (Lyon I, 1995)
HDR (Ability to supervise research), UBE 2005


Research theme

After having studied odor processing and neuronal olfactory networks in rodents, I contribute since 2024 to the program : taste perception in neurodegenerative diseases with gustatory evoked potentials recordings ( Principal investigator : Dr A Jacquin-Picques).
Gustatory evoked potentials (GEP)are appropriate tool for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases such as parkinson Disease (PD). GEP latencies and amplitudes can  be compared with healthy subjects. Changes in chemical senses have been reported in neurodegenerative diseases and it is of interest to have a better understanding of the central integration of taste cues since it might impact food intake.
Teaching activities

As a lecturer at the Bourgogne University, I am also responsible for the following teaching units :

  • TU Food sciences 1 (50h) , M 1BAG (BioAgroSciences) – Dpt Life sciences, Bourgogne University
  • TU Neurosciences 2, Licence 2 (25h) - Dpt Life sciences, Bourgogne University
  • TU Neurosciences 3, Licence 3 (25h) - Dpt Life sciences, Bourgogne University
  • TU Neurophysiological regulation of food behavior (40h) -M1 P2FOOD, Institut Agro Dijon
  • TU Cutting-edge tools for studying the feeding behavior fromm animals to humans (40h)
  • M2 P2FOOD, Institut Agro Dijon

The purpose is to promote courses focusing on the brain networks sustaining sensory processing and food choices, together with basic knowledge in Neurosciences

Key words

Chemical senses, olfaction, taste, food  choices, behavior, neurosciences

Important publications

Barbier M, Chometton S, Pautrat A, Miguet-Alfonsi C, Datiche F, Gascuel J, Fellman D, Peterschmitt Y, Coizet V, Risold PY (2020) A basal ganglia-like cortical-amygdalar-hypothalamic network mediates feeding behavior. PNAS.117(27):15967-15976.2020

Schneider NY, Chaudy S, Epstein AL, Viollet C, Benani A, Pénicaud L, Grosmaître X, Datiche F, Gascuel J. (2019) Centrifugal projections to the main olfactory bulb revealed by transsynaptic retrograde tracing in mice. J Comp Neurol. 528 ; 1805-1819.

Nocera S, Simon A, Fiquet O, Chen Y, Gascuel J, Datiche F, Schneider N, Epelbaum J, Viollet C. (2019) Somatostatin Serves a Modulatory Role in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb: Neuroanatomical and Behavioral Evidence. Front Behav Neurosci. 9;13:61.

Neurofeed - Neurobiology of Feeding behaviours