Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto

Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto

General information


CEP- Culture Expertise Perception




Associate professor, Institut Agro Dijon

PhD in Anthropology, 2022, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris

Research Master in Environmental Anthropology and Ethno-ecology, National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), Paris


Research theme

My research in the anthropology of food and sensory anthropology focuses on dietary changes and sensory perceptions, as well as the representations, practices, knowledge, and skills associated with them, and the political, social, and cultural issues that govern them. My work is based on ethnographic fieldwork. Following a doctoral dissertation on the reception modalities of a national school food program among two Indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon, I continue to explore food systems and their dynamics, for instance, by analyzing the gastronomic heritage of insects in Mexico. I am also interested in the complexity of sensory models and their reconfigurations.
In parallel, I teach the anthropology of food, sensory anthropology, and qualitative and quantitative research methods at the Institut Agro Dijon. I am also an associate researcher at the Laboratory of Political Anthropology (LAP, CNRS/EHESS), Paris. Since 2021, I have co-organized the LAP seminar "The Making of Political Anthropology" at EHESS with Marie Aureille, Olivier Coulaux, Martin Roy, Stéphane Blumer, and Leonor Gonzalez.

I have been a member of the editorial board of the online journal Anthropology of Food since 2013.

Scientific approach



I have supervised several Master 2 students and I'm  currently supervising a Post-doc.

Key words

Culture, Identity, Sensory Perception, Dietary Change, Political Anthropology, Food System, Amazon, School Food, Indigenous Peoples

Important publications

Ricaud Oneto E (2024). School Food Politics, Identity, and Indigeneity in the Peruvian Amazon in Robert S, Gaddis J (eds.). Transforming School
Food Politics Around the World. MIT University Press, 53-74. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/15426.003.0010

Ricaud Oneto E (2023). Repas scolaires, cogestion et peuples autochtones : l’illusion d’un pouvoir infranational au Pérou. Lien social et Politiques, 90. https://doi.org/10.7202/1105091ar

Ricaud Oneto E (2022). Le goût de l’État en Amazonie péruvienne : ethnographie comparative d’un programme national d’alimentation scolaire entre les Maijuna et les Napuruna. Thèse de doctorat. EHESS, Paris. https://theses.fr/2022EHES0166

Ricaud Oneto E (2019). Manger : une affaire d’État ? Socio-anthropologie, 39, 99-113. https://doi-org.ezproxy.campus-condorcet.fr/10.4000/socio-anthropologie.5347

Ricaud Oneto E (2021). Temor al ébola entre los Maijuna in Espinosa O, Fabiano E. Las enfermedades que llegan de lejos. Los pueblos amazónicos del Perú frente las epidemias de ayer y la pandemia de hoy. Lima: Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 69-76.

Ricaud Oneto E (2014). Hacia un mestizaje del beber. El caso de los Maijuna en la Amazonía peruana. Estudios del hombre, 31. Serie Antropología de la Alimentación, Universidad de Guadalajara, 169 - 185. http://www.publicaciones.cucsh.udg.mx/pperiod/esthom/pdfs/31_Modos_de_beber.pdf 

Ricaud Oneto E, Hernández Valenzuela C, Pécout-Le Bras N, Morançay C (2022). Compte-rendu de Patrimonios alimentarios en América Latina. Recursos locales, actores y globalización de Rebaï N, Bilhaut A-G, Suremain C-E, Katz E, Paredes M. Anthropology of food. https://doi.org/10.4000/aof.13929

Video :
Ricaud Oneto E (2024). Exploring cultural differences of sweetness and bitterness to understand school food acceptance among two indigenous peoples in the Peruvian
Amazon. Science Talks, 10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sctalk.2024.100325 

CEP– Culture Expertise Perception