Internship, team TPI

Published on 13 June 2024

Behavioral study of bacterial taste perception

Recent studies have shown that Drosophila have the ability to perceive bacteria by taste. While in adults, this perception induces rejection behavior, it seems to be different at the larval (juvenile) stage. Using videotracking technologies, this internship project aims to study how Drosophila larvae react to the taste perception of different types of bacteria. Because of its proximity to humans, understanding the taste perception of bacteria in Drosophila offers avenues of research for understanding the complexity of taste coding in humans.
Key words
Taste, food intake, bacteria, immune system
Person in charge

Pierre-Yves Musso, permanent researcher, Group leader of the TPI team.

Lab publications on the subject
  • Najera Mazariegos A, Manière G, Camp C, Kaul R, Duval CJ, Milleville R, Berthelot-Grosjean M, Alves G, Royet J, Grosjean Y, Musso PY*, Tanentzapf G*(2024). Detection of bacteria through taste receptors primes the cellular immune response. bioRxiv. *autors contributed equally.