Thibault Chabin

Thibault Chabin

General information

Engineer & Technician

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INRAE Researcher (PhD)
  • PhD Neurosciences (2017-2020), Lab of Integrative Research in Neurosciences and Cognitive Psychology, Besançon, University of Burgundy & Franche-Comté.
  • Master Degree – Physiology, Neurosciences and Behavior (2015-2017), Lab of Integrative Research in Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology, Besançon, University Franche-Comté.


Research theme

How taste and smell are integrated in the brain to shape a unique perception, how aromas can enhance taste perception or how our emotions can influence our food choices?

Understanding these sensory and neurophysiological mechanisms is crucial to answering current questions about food, and therefore to better address general public health issues. Thibault is interested in understanding the brain's multimodal perceptual, cognitive and emotional mechanisms associated with these chemical senses. He investigates these issues through behavioral studies and/or sensory analysis protocols coupled with physiological methods and neuroimaging tools such as Electroencephalography (EEG) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).

Key words
Neuroscience, EEG, fMRI, Gustation, Olfaction, Emotions
  • Chabin T., D. Gabriel, A. Comte, et al. (2021). Interbrain emotional connection during music performances is driven by physical proximity and individual traits. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1508: 178–195.
  • Chabin T., L. Pazart & D. Gabriel. (2022). Vocal melody and musical background are simultaneously processed by the brain for musical predictions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.1512(1):126-140.
  • Chabin T., D. Gabriel, A. Comte, et al. (2022). Audience interbrain synchrony is shaped by both the number of people sharing pleasure and the strength of this pleasure. Frontiers in Human Neurosciences. 16: 1662-5161.
  • Chabin T., G. Tio, A. Comte, et al. 2020. The Relevance of a Conductor Competition for the Study of Emotional Synchronization Within and Between Groups in a Natural Musical Setting. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 1664–1078.
  • Chabin T., D. Gabriel, E. Haffen, et al. 2020. Are the new mobile wireless EEG headsets reliable for the evaluation of musical pleasure? PloS One 15: e0244820.
  • Chabin T., D. Gabriel, T. Chansophonkul, et al. 2020. Cortical Patterns of Pleasurable Musical Chills Revealed by High-Density EEG. Frontiers in Neurosciences. 14: 565815.
  • Gabriel D., E. Merat, A. Jeudy, et al. 2021. Emotional Effects Induced by the Application of a Cosmetic Product: A Real-Time Electrophysiological Evaluation. Applied Sciences. 11: 4766.

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