Mélanie Lelièvre

Mélanie Lelièvre

General information

Engineer & Technician

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception


Engineer INRAE

  • Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry


Research theme

Recruited in 2006, I have been a permanent staff member since 2008 and have spent 17 years at the GenoSol platform of the UMR Agroecology as the head of laboratories for molecular analysis and development to characterize microbial communities in soils.

Since 2023, I have joined the CSGA and am part of the FFOP team (Flavour Food Oral Processing and Perception), which focuses on mechanisms leading to sensory perception through various approaches. I specialize in techniques related to molecular and cellular approaches.

Key words

Microbiota, biodiversity, molecular biology, cell culture

Important publications

  • C. Djemiel, C., Dequiedt, S., Horrigue, W., Bailly, A., Lelièvre, M., Tripied, J., Guilland, C., Perrin, S., Comment, G., Saby, N. P. A., Jolivet, C., Bispo, A., Boulonne, L., Pierart, A., Wincker, P., Cruaud, C., Maron, P.-A., Terrat, S., and Ranjard, L.(2024). Unraveling biogeographical patterns and environmental drivers of soil fungal diversity at the French national scale, SOIL, 10, 251–273, https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-10-251-2024, 2024.

  • Nivet, C.; Custovic, I.; Avoscan, L.; Bikker, F.J.; Bonnotte, A.; Bourillot, E.; Briand, L.; Brignot, H.; Heydel, J.-M.; Herrmann, N.; Lelièvre M. ; Lesniewska E ; Neiers F. ; Piétrement O. ; Schwartz M. ; Belloir C. and Canon F. (2024). Development of New Models of Oral Mucosa to Investigate the Impact of the Structure of Transmembrane Mucin-1 on the Mucosal Pellicle Formation and Its Physicochemical Properties. Biomedicines , 12, 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines12010139

  • N.Fernandez Nuñez, L. Maggia, PL.Stenger, M.Lelièvre, K. Letellier, S. Gigante, A. Manez, P. Mournet, J.Ripoll, F. Carriconde (2021). Potential of high-throughput eDNA sequencing of soil fungi and bacteria for monitoring ecological restoration in ultramafic substrates: The case study of the New Caledonian biodiversity hotspot,. Ecological Engineering. Volume 173,106416,ISSN 0925-8574,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106416.

  • B. Karimi, J. Villerd, S. Dequiedt, S. Terrat, N. Chemidlin-Prévost Bouré, C. Djemiel, M. Lelièvre, J. Tripied, V. Nowak, N. P. A. Saby, A. Bispo, C. Jolivet, D. Arrouays, P. Wincker, C. Cruaud, L. Ranjard (2020). Biogeography of soil microbial habitats across France. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Volume 29, Issue 8, 29: 1399–1411. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1111/GEB.13118 

  • B. Karimi , S. Terrat, S. Dequiedt , N. P. A. Saby , W. Horrigue , M. Lelièvre , V. Nowak , C. Jolivet , D. Arrouays , P. Wincker , C. Cruaud , A. Bispo , P. Maron , N. Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré , L. Ranjard (2018). Biogeography of soil bacteria and archaea across France. Science Advances. SCIENCE ADVANCES, Vol 4, Issue 7, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat1808

  • Terrat S, Horrigue W, Dequietd S, Saby NPA, Lelièvre M, Nowak V, et al. (2017) Mapping and predictive variations of soil bacterial richness across France. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0186766. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186766

  • L. Ranjard, S. Dequiedt, N. Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré, J. Thioulouse, N.P.A. Saby, M. Lelièvre, P. A. Maron, F.E.R Morin, A. Bispo, C. Jolivet, D. Arrouays & P. Lemanceau (2013). Turnover of soil bacterial diversity driven by wide-scale environmental heterogeneity. Nat Commun 4, 1434 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2431

  • Dequiedt, S., Saby, N.P.A., Lelièvre, M., Jolivet, C., Thioulouse, J., Toutain, B., Arrouays, D., Bispo, A., Lemanceau, P. and Ranjard, L. (2011), Biogeographical patterns of soil molecular microbial biomass as influenced by soil characteristics and management. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20: 641-652. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1111/J.1466-8238.2010.00628.X

FFOPP - Flavour, Food Oral Processing, & Perception