Michel Visalli

Michel Visalli

General information

Engineer & Technician

Chemosens Platform



INRAE Researcher (PhD)
  • M2 in computer science and statistics
  • Doctoral thesis in food sciences


Research theme

Michel Visalli designs experimental devices and develops innovative methods and software for the acquisition and analysis of data relating to consumer perception and eating behaviour.

He is more specifically interested in temporal sensory measurements, indirect measurements of preferences, measurements of food supplies and consumptions and use of natural language for the characterization of expectations, representations and perceptions of foods.

He aims to make possible the large-scale collection of data relating to the different dimensions of food under ecological conditions of consumption, and to make these data available to the scientific community (FAIR principles). Ultimately, these works aim to study the role of taste in consumer choices.

He leads the “Software engineering, statistics and data science” component within ChemoSens.

Websites of main ongoing projects:

Key words
software development, sensometry, FAIR, temporal sensory measurements, indirect preference measurements, consumption measurements, natural language
  • Visalli, M., Galmarini, M. (2024). Multi-attribute temporal descriptive methods in sensory analysis applied in food science: A systematic scoping review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 23, 1–45. https://hal.science/hal-04533664
  • Visalli, M., Galmarini, M., Schlich, P. (2023). Use of temporal sensory evaluation methods with consumers: a position paper. Current Opinion in Food Science, 54, 101102. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04313440
  • Visalli, M., Mahieu, B., Dubois, M., Schlich, P. (2023). Hedonic valence of descriptive sensory terms as an indirect measure of liking: a preliminary study with red wines. Food Quality and Preferences, 108, 104861. https://hal.science/hal-04086629
  • Visalli, M., Béno, N., Nicolle, L., Schlich, P. (2023). Assessment of the reliability and validity of temporal sensory evaluation methods used with consumers on controlled stimuli delivered by a gustometer. Food Quality and Preferences, 110, 104942. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04176922
  • Visalli, M. Schlich, P., Mahieu, B., Thomas, A., Weber, M., Guichard, E. (2023). First steps towards FAIRization of product-focused sensory data. Food Quality and Preferences, 104, 104765. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03887946
  • Visalli, M., Dubois, M., Schlich, P., Ric, F., Cardebat, J.M., Georgantzis, N. (2023). Relevance of free-comment to describe wine temporal sensory perception: An application with panels varying in culture and expertise. Food Quality and Preferences, 105, 104785. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03985522
  • Visalli, M., Schlich, P., Thomas, A., Mahieu, B. (2020). Concurrent vs. retrospective temporal data collection: Attack-Evolution-Finish as a simplification of Temporal Dominance of Sensations? Food Quality and Preferences, 85. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02869715
  • Visalli, M., Mahieu, B., Thomas, A., Schlich, P. (2020). Automated sentiment analysis of Free-Comment: an indirect liking measurement? Food Quality and Preferences, 82. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02866671

Chemosens Platform