Karine Gourrat

Karine Gourat

General informations

Engineer & Technician

Chemosens Platform



INRAE Assistant researcher
  • Bachelor's degree in Research & Development and Innovation


Research theme
Within ChemoSens, my main mission is to implement and adapt extraction and analysis techniques for the characterization (identification, quantification) of volatile compounds responsible for the perception of food flavors.

I am in charge of analytical instruments dedicated to the analysis of volatile compounds, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography coupled to olfactometry (GC-O) and two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and olfactometry (GC-2D-MS/O).
Thanks to my skills, I advise on the choice and implementation of extraction methods (Headspace, Solid Phase MicroExtraction - SPME, Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction - SBSE, vacuum distillation) and analysis methods (GC-MS, GC-O, GC-2DMS/O).

I'm in charge of developing extraction and analysis methods in response to requests.
GCMS and GCO analyses require my expertise in data acquisition and processing.

Through the projects, I interact with various internal or external contacts at CSGA, academic and private partners.

Within ChemoSens, I contribute to the running of the platform by taking charge of requests, managing an analytical park, managing projects, training and supervising users.
Key words
Volatile organic compounds, Extraction, Mass spectrometry, Olfactometry
  • Karolkowski A , Gourrat K , Bouzidi E , Albouy J-F, Levavasseur L , et al. (2023). Origins of volatile compounds and identification of odour-active compounds in air-classified fractions of faba bean (Vicia faba L. minor). Food Research International, 2023, 163. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03888015v1

  • Neiers F, Gourrat K, Canon F, and Schwartz M (2022). Metabolism of Cysteine Conjugates and Production of Flavor Sulfur Compounds by a Carbon–Sulfur Lyase from the Oral Anaerobe Fusobacterium nucleatum
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70 (32), 9969-9979. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03753716v1 Gourrat K, Peltier C, Cheynier V, Géraldine Lucchi G. (2022). Characterization of the aromatic potential of grape berry. Congrès Analytics. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03828228v1

  • Gourrat K, Voisine M, Redl A, Berdeaux O. (2021) Characterization of key aroma compounds in vegetable proteins foods. Proceedings of the 16th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-04167069v1

  • Deuscher Z, Gourrat K, Repoux M, Boulanger R, Jean-Luc Le Quéré J-L. (2020) Key Aroma Compounds of Dark Chocolates Differing in Organoleptic Properties: A GC-O Comparative Study. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02552029v1

Chemosens Platform