Gérard Manière



PERSING – Sensory Perception, Neuron/Glie Interactions


Professor, University of Burgundy

Degree (Diploma)

PhD, Insect neuroendocrinology, Bordeaux.


Research theme
My research activities focus on external and internal chemosensory detection in Drosophila. I am interested in the cellular mechanisms allowing the detection of olfactory or taste molecules in larvae and adults. Within the team, I am responsible for developing research themes related to the role of amino acid transporters in the functioning of nerve cells (neurons and glial cells) controlling behavior. In particular, I use and develop the functional calcium imaging technique which makes it possible to observe in real time the activity of neurons in vivo and therefore to dissect the cellular mechanisms of operation of the neurons of interest. I teach at undergraduate (L1, L2 and L3) and master (M1 and M2R) levels. I teach neuroscience, developmental biology and zoology. I’m in charge of teaching developmental biology and I am responsible for several teaching units, including developmental biology units and neurosignaling unit in M2R.
Key words
Calcium imaging, olfaction, gustation, brain, amino acid transporters, chemosensing, Drosophila, amino acids.
I regularly supervise Masters and PhD students


Delescluse J, Simonnet M, Ziegler AB, Piffaretti K, Alves G, Grosjean Y and G Manière (En révision 2024). LAT1-like amino acid transporter regulates neuronal activity in the Drosophila mushroom bodies.

Montanari M, Manière G, Berthelot-Grosjean M, Dusabynema Y, Gillet B, Grosjean Y, Kurz CL and Royet J (2024). Larval microbiota primes the Drosophila adult gustatory response. Nat Commun 13 ;15(1) :1341. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45532-4

Cavey M, Charroux B, Travaillard S, Manière G, Berthelot-Grosjean M, Quitard S, Minervo C, Detailleur B, Grosjean Y and Prud’home B. (2023). Increased sugar valuation contributes to the evolutionary shift in egg-laying behavior of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii. PLoS Biol : e3002432. https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002432

Masuzzo A, Manière G, Grosjean Y, Kurz CL and Royet J (2022). Bacteria-derived peptidoglycan triggers a non-canonical NF-κB dependent response in Drosophila gustatory neurons. J Neurosci. 42(41), 7809-23. https://www.jneurosci.org/content/42/41/7809

Manière G, Alves G, Berthelot-Grosjean M and Grosjean Y. (2020). Growth regulation by amino acid transporters in Drosophila larvae. Cell Mol Life Sci. 77(21):4289-4297. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00018-020-03535-6

Manière G & Coureaud G (2020). From stimulus to Behavioral Decision-Making" Front. Behav. Neurosci. Jan, 10:13:274. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00274/full

Masuzzo A, Manière G, Viallat-Lieutaud A, Avazeri E, Zugasti O, Grosjean Y, Kurz CL and Royet J (2019). Peptidoglycan-dependent NF-kB activation in a small subset of brain octopaminergic neurons controls female oviposition. eLIFE 8 pii :e50559. https://elifesciences.org/articles/50559

Aboudhiaf S, Alves G, Parrot S, Amri M, Simonnet M, Grosjean Y, Manière G and Seugnet L (2018). LAT1-like transporters regulate dopaminergic transmission and sleep in Drosophila. Sleep, 41(10). https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/41/10/zsy137/5054580

Ziegler AB, Manière G and Grosjean Y (2018). JhI-21 plays a role in Drosophila insulin-like peptide release from larval IPCs via leucine transport. Sci Reports, 8 : 1908. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-20394-1

Manière G & Grosjean Y (2017). Drosophila and humans share similar mechanisms of insulin secretion. Med./Sci, 33(2) : 140-141. https://www.medecinesciences.org/en/articles/medsci/full_html/2017/02

Manière G, Ziegler AB, Geillon F, Featherstone DE and Grosjean Y (2016). Direct Sensing of Nutrients via a LAT-1-like Transporter in Drosophila Producing Cells. Cell Reports, 137-148, Sept.27. https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247

PERSING – Sensory Perception, Neuron/Glia Interactions