Centre for Taste and Feeding Behavior

The Center for Taste and Feeding Behaviors is a joint research unit based in Dijon, France. The CSGA reports to two national public research organizations, CNRS and INRAE, as well as two public higher education establishments, the University of Burgundy and the Institut Agro engineering school.


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The CSGA stands out for the trans-disciplinary nature of its research, combining expertise in food science (physical chemistry, biochemistry, sensory evaluation), biology (physiology, neuroscience, cellular and molecular biology), human sciences (psychology, ethology, anthropology) and statistics. Are you looking for a job as a researcher, engineer or technician? Are you a student looking for an internship, a PhD or a post-doc? Are you a citizen who would like to contribute to research? Take a look at our vacancies!


01 February 2025

February 2025, 17th Scientific talk

CSGA invited speaker, Benjamin Pohl, CNRS

Climate change, mechanisms and consequences

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The overall aim of the CSGA is to gain a better understanding of the physico-chemical, biological and psychological mechanisms underlying perception (olfaction, taste, vision) and behavior, particularly in relation to food. The CSGA's research is based on four main pillars which form the DNA of our unit: food properties, sensory and metabolic signals, behavior and healthy and sustainable eating.

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